est. 2017
Jeremy Steding, Founder
Thank you so much for visiting www.jeremysteding.com. For fifteen years, this website hosted tour dates, links to buy band merchandise and usually some kind of fundraising link for the next record, but my life has changed. I am so thankful for all of the fans that supported the music through the years: so many of you inspired me more than you can ever know. As of 2019 I'm indefinitely retired from music as a profession. In 2017, Tiffini, baby Jack and I were living in Nashville: Years of struggling in music's working class and working odd jobs to pay the bills, had run its course. I no longer felt that I was pursuing my truest calling and honestly, it wasn't a lot of fun anymore. It was no longer my dream, in any way. I have always wanted to change the world. I have always wanted to leave a legacy, serve my community and build lasting security for my family. Satisfaction with a normal "job" has never been an option for me. I searched deep within myself, for months to find inspiration for my next venture. In the spring of 2017, with the very little money I had, I founded what was originally called "Quantum Kratom."
*Kratom is an all natural supplement and a cousin of the coffee plant, that has been used in Southeast Asia for centuries. I discovered kratom at one of my absolute favorite stores in Austin, Sunrise Bottle Shop, on Anderson Lane. I can honestly say that this plant has changed my life for the better. With kratom as part of my wellness routine, I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been. I read 50 books a year, exercise 5 times a week, meditate daily, travel frequently and get to enjoy being a dad to two incredible boys! I am so thankful for this new chapter.
Tiffini and I now have two beautiful boys: Jackson Daniel Steding (04/09/15) and Waylon James Steding (05/19/20.) Follow me on Instagram for a barrage of pictures! https://www.instagram.com/jeremysteding
About my new business:
Steding & Sons Mercantile is a manufacturer of consumer packaged supplement goods, including 1836 Kratom tea and 1836 Fitness products. We are an American-owned company, based in Austin, TX. Steding & Sons Mercantile is owned and operated by me, Jeremy Steding. I am a graduate of the University of Florida and a proud Texan and Austinite since 2007. I am a husband, father, fitness enthusiast and musician, gratefully crafting the values of our growing company. At Steding and Sons, we believe in kindness, compassion, love, health, wellness and freedom of choice. We are incredibly grateful for the wonderful customers that share these values. Our team is dedicated to expanding health and wellness knowledge through life-long learning.
As many visitors to this site know, I spent my early adult life as a troubadour, traveling the highways as the front man for my band, Jeremy Steding and The Rebellion. The band had its share of success, charting over a dozen radio singles, releasing five studio albums and sharing the stage with legends such as Robert Earl Keen, Turnpike Troubadours and Clint Black. The musician’s life ran its course though, so I started Steding & Sons Mercantile (FKA Quantum Botanicals, LLC) to share my passion for aternative supplements while building security for my growing family.
Started in 2017, with zero employees, and love and persisitence my only real source of capital, Steding & Sons Mercantile has quickly grown into a formidable small business. This company now proudly employs ten talented people, full time, as well as a handful of part-timers. I am most sincerely grateful that our products now enrich the lives of our employees and 1,000s of customers. Our products are carried in almost 100 retail locations across the country and we are growing every day. I am sincerely thankful. You will find our products at the Vitamins Plus chain stores, as well as numerous supplement shops, chiropractors’ offices, smoke shops, wellness spas and other retail outlets across the country. For a list of current physical vendors visit our website, www.1836kratom.com and click on the link to “Find a Retailer Near You.”
If you have a friend/family member with a store, please send them my way! If you are curious about kratom, feel free to reach out to me, I'd love to talk to you. Seriously, please email me: info@1836kratom.com
Thank you so much for stopping by my website! I miss a lot of y'all and I'd love to hear from you.
Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve.
Kratom (mitragyna speciosa) is cousin of the coffee plant, indigenous to Southeast Asia. Traditionally, the leaves have been dried and then crushed or powdered, brewed as tea or mixed with a beverage. A growing number of people believe kratom may have health and wellness benefits. Many Americans prefer powdered leaf kratom, or capsules.
A growing number of people, recently estimated at 15 million Americans, are believed to use kratom annually. Many people, including a number of doctors, fitness enthusiasts and health professionals, believe kratom to have health benefits, ranging from increased energy and focus to relaxation and relief from pain and fatigue. Kratom is becoming increasingly popular in the fitness community, as many people believe it to allow them to push through that most painful rep, and ease the burden of recovery. Kratom is also popular among the recovery commiunity, with many people prefering a natural solution to perscriptions or over the counter pain medications. However, the FDA has not approved these claims. Kratom remains controversial, but I am an absolute believer and incredibly grateful.
*The FDA has not approved these statements. These products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure any disease. Pregnant/nursing women are advised against use. Not for sale to minors.
join the fight to protect kratom: www.americankratom.org

1836 kratom
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The Music of Jeremy Steding
Vintage Inspired Country and Western